10 Most Interesting Marvel Superhero Teams You've Never Heard Of

6. Exiles

Midnight Sons
Marvel Comics

Many Marvel stories have featured looks into alternate realities, Exiles was a book built entirely around that concept.

After the X-Men storyline Age of Apocalypse ended, Marvel found that the character Blink had built up a surprisingly large fan base. However, since the character and her entire universe had been erased from existence at the end of the story, using her again was going to be a bit tricky.

However, another book that had proved surprisingly popular was X-Men: Millennial Visions, a comic filled with nothing but ideas for alternate worlds. Merging the two ideas into one series, Marvel created the Exiles.

The Exiles were a team of characters plucked from alternate worlds whose mission was to travel the multiverse and fix timelines that had gone wrong. Each member of the team was taken just before their death and worked to save the multiverse in return for a second chance at life.

The series featured fan favourites like the Age of Apocalypse versions of Blink and Sabretooth, Morph and Nightcrawler's daughter Nocturne. While those characters were regulars, the team went through a lot of members, with a lot of characters dying and actually staying dead.

Unfortunately, due to the outside continuity nature of the series, the Exiles haven't been seen since their series was cancelled.

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I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.