10 Most Messed Up Moments In Marvel Comics

1. Anything with Killgrave

The Blob Wasp
Marvel Comics

While this may initially appear like a cop-out, it's sort of the opposite, in that every appearance of the Purple Man is equally as likely to make you regret having eyeballs as any other. You could pick an individual moment, but that would be saying that one action of his is especially worse than the others, instead of a continual stream of hell.

Between sexual assault, getting people to viciously (albeit creatively) injure themselves and those around them - all while being totally aware yet totally helpless - is just enough to make you consider buying a nightlight. It’s genius, really, that Marvel have managed to take a character that in theory should sound like kind of a nerd, and then in practice make him the most terrifying figure of all time.

This said, the worst part of any Killgrave moment is knowing that one of the most messed up characters in Marvel history is not some crazy evil alien, but another human given free reign to be the worst man alive.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.