10 Most Messed Up Moments In Marvel Comics

2. The Head Room

The Blob Wasp
Marvel Comics

All hilarious potential double-entendres aside, the head room is a moment of horror that will stay permanently etched in your mind, like if you got some kind of horror-based brain tattoo.

While the Daredevil villain Spot had until then been considered a low-level threat, his transporting powers are used by another villain – named Coyote – to truly god-awful effects. Namely, that those who cross him have their head teleported away from their body, where it is then stuffed in a room full to the brim of other powerless, screaming heads.

Worse yet, the heads are stacked on top of each other, pressed uncomfortably together in the tiny torture space. Want to get worse? They are fed like animals, from a bag of seemingly raw meat.

It’s bad, in short. It’s real, real bad.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.