10 Most Messed Up Moments In Marvel Comics

8. Magneto's Paperclip Surgery

The Blob Wasp
Marvel Comics

In a move that is as badass as it is wince-inducing, Magneto threatens to kill a woman by placing a paperclip underneath her skin, with the intention of using his powers to sever her arteries.

Although in context his attack is justified, the Saw-like methods he goes about it is sure to leave you uncomfortably rubbing your arms when you think about them. The worst part is knowing that this is Magneto at only a fraction of his power – meaning this is one of the least bad things he’s capable of.

For anyone with veins - which is, you know, most people - the idea of having a sharp metal object moved about in them outside of a hospital is just about the most messed up thing ever. On that level, kudos to the team behind the issue, for creating what is sure to be a unique set of nightmares for those who read it.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.