10 Most Messed Up Moments In Marvel Comics

7. Hawkeye Kills The Hulk

The Blob Wasp
Marvel Comics

While saying a death was messed up in a Civil War comic is like saying that the Hulk is green, the death of the beloved green behemoth is still one of the most unexpectedly sad and unnecessary parts of the whole series.

Ironically, this is likely because of how different it is when compared to the gory nature of other messed up deaths. There's just the good ol' Avengers having a chat - and then suddenly Hawkeye murdering Bruce Banner.

It's also entirely unjustified. Banner was working to prevent his Hulk side from coming out, and gave Hawkeye the tool to kill him if it ever did. All of Bruce's precautions seem totally ignored because of a dude who got his superpowers like two weeks ago, and whom it is later revealed doesn't always see the definite future.

You can bet Banner regretted every office party he ever threw, is all we're saying.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.