10 Most Messed Up Moments In Marvel Comics

5. Thanos Dissects His Own Mother

The Blob Wasp
Marvel Comics

As anyone who has seen Infinity War can tell you, Thanos is kind of a bad dude. For anyone not convinced already, the fact that he canonically dissects his own mother for funsies makes sure to prove that.

Even though Thanos Rising gives a slightly more sympathetic backstory to the big purple destroyer of worlds, it doesn’t give him one that makes murdering his mother not totally awful. Their relationship is nowhere near perfect, sure – but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to make the woman who raised you your next lab project. With a character like Thanos, some eventual gross murders are basically inevitable – but him doing such terrible things so young makes him seem even more messed up.

Regardless of your relationship with your parents, you can rest assured that you've beat at least one person in not being a terrible child.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.