10 Most OVERRATED Comics Of All Time

2. Kick-Ass

Kick Ass 2 Comic Red Mist
Image Comics

There are two schools of thought when it comes to Kick-Ass. The first is that this is a look at superheroes in a more realistic world. A modern-day Watchmen, albeit with a lot less to say and more dedication to showing the kick-ass action sequences.

The second, and one that this writer holds, is that this is a book that says less because it has nothing to say. It revels in violence, both physical and sexual, not even to further the story, but simply to live up to its name. This is the primary sin of Kick-Ass, and led to a huge portion of the fanbase complaining about the second movie because it didn't contain a rape scene (and not because it was objectively an awful movie).

Even the soft reboot in recent years, which is written by a more mature Mark Millar, doesn't quite hit the mark. While it's a lot more reserved than the older comic, Millar himself doesn't seem to understand where Patience is actually coming from, and this creates a disconnect between readers and what could have been a fascinating character.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.