10 Most OVERRATED Comics Of All Time

3. Final Crisis

Final Crisis Super Man Multiverse
DC Comics

This is it; the final battle between good and evil. Darkseid and his ilk are tumbling through a sundered reality until all of their spirits fall into the body of a single human. All of space and time is being drawn into the singularity that ensured the New Gods' survival. It's the ultimate battle that will shape DC for years to come.

The thing about crossovers like these is that the event comic itself only ever deals with the main beats and so much happens in between them that, if you only read the event, it seems shallow and almost ridiculous in the way things progress. Final Crisis has a total of 44 tie-in comics, which isn't as bad as some but still far too many for most fans to keep up with.

And then there's that ending. Superman, who is the only being left at the end of creation, starts singing to counter the vibrations of Darkseid's evil life-force. Still following? Well, then he makes a wish on the Miracle Machine to call an army of Supermen from across the multiverse and... And that's quite enough of that.

The biggest sin comes with the marketing for the comic and its focus on this being the story that shows the death of Batman. And then they go and spoil it all by showing him alive right at the end anyway.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.