10 Most OVERRATED Comics Of All Time

1. The Twelve

The Twelve Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

J. Michael Straczynski's The Twelve is one of my all-time favourite comic books and, were this any other list, I'd probably be up here extolling its virtues for all to see. But the fact remains that for all it's positives, there was one major problem that taints the series.

The series follows twelve obscure heroes from the golden age of comics who didn't make it into the modern age and proposes that they were kidnapped by the Nazis and put into suspended animation to be studied as a basis for the master race. After being awakened by accident in modern-day Berlin, we follow these people as they react to the culture shock that today's world holds for them. Oh yeah, and someone is murdering them one by one too, so there's a mystery to follow.

All of which was great up until issue 8 of the series arrived in November of 2008. The final four issues of the series weren't released until the first half of 2012. Read as a whole, The Twelve is not a mind-blowing story but is still really fun and generally well-regarded by comic readers. But the original fans will always have the story tainted by that enormous wait between issues.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.