10 Most OVERRATED Comics Of All Time

5. Kingdom Come

Superman Kingdom Come
DC Comics

Kingdom Come is the result of Mark Waid and Alex Ross taking one look at Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, loving the morally-grey worlds depicted in those books, and somehow getting permission to throw DC's big-name roster into another world of a similar ilk.

Villains have become more violent in this world and a new generation of superheroes has risen to face them, with the murderous Magog and his superfriends at the forefront. Superman, big blue boy scout that he is, is a little miffed at the whole killing villains instead of letting their bullets bounce off you then flying them straight to jail thing. With Kal-El leading a group of the old heroes against the new guard, this is the original superhero civil war.

It's the art that lets this classic down for this reader. Alex Ross manages to keep every image almost photo-realistic but, in doing so, he loses so much of the action. These are a series of connected epic portraits more than a comic book, and the story feels flat and almost lifeless as a result.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.