10 Most OVERRATED Comics Of All Time

4. Secret Wars

Marvel Secret Wars
Marvel Comics

Secret Wars is full of moments.

There are the awesome ones like Hulk holding up a mountain while people make him angry, Spider-Man beating all of the X-Men at once, or Thor standing in the middle of a raging alien storm with a smile on his face. And then there are the important moments in Marvel canon such as Doctor Doom creating Titania and Volcana, Julia Carpenter being introduced as the new Spider-Woman, and a small matter of Spider-Man finding a black alien version of his costume.

But Secret Wars existed primarily as a toy advert for the new figures being produced by Mattel, and the entire line was aimed at children. As a result, the stories were simplistic excuses to get the big names of the line fighting each other, all of which was artificially removed from the existing canon of the comics by the intervention of the otherworldly Beyonder.

There were so many inconsistencies between this story and later books that a four-issue Deadpool event placed him in the wars alongside the heroes, mainly to fix these issues for the now-grown fans who were still asking questions.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.