10 Most Powerful Beings Batman Has Defeated
1. Darkseid - Final Crisis

There is a metric ton about Final Crisis to unpack, none of which we have time for today, but the most famous scene that everyone knows from it by far is when Batman broke his one rule to bring down DC's most powerful villain.
The New Gods aren't REALLY gods, per say, but this event definitely treats them as such so I feel pretty safe in putting this at the top due to it featuring Batman bringing a god down with a single bullet.
After Darkseid has managed to claim the anti-life equation and conquer all life on Earth, Batman manages to find him during the final battle. Realizing that things have gone too far and too dark for a single man's oath of non-lethality to mean anything, Batman decides to utilize the new God killing bullet established earlier in the story to take down Darkseid once and for all. Sure Darkseid's omega beam seems to kill him in the process, but seeing as how it's revealed later that he wasn't REALLY dead, just zapped back through time somehow, I still feel confident in giving this moment the top spot.
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