10 Most Powerful Beings Batman Has Defeated

2. Superman - The Dark Knight Returns

Superman Batman
DC Comics

Frank Miller's world famous Batman story/right-wing power fantasy The Dark Knight Returns infamously culminated in one of the first examples of Batman's intellect and sheer force of will managing to bring down a god-like being: Superman himself.

Unlike similarly grim and gritty Batman stories, this one at least acknowledges that at one point these two heroes were friends, and that them coming to blows is a TRAGEDY that should not have happened. Batman has returned to hero life after decades of absence, while Superman has allowed himself to become a dog of the now openly fascistic U.S. military. Despite Bruce's gruff demeanor, neither one really wants to do this, but things have gotten so bad that it's really the only way it can end.

The fight between them is LEGENDARY, one of the all time greatest comic book fights, with a genuine back and forth to it that makes every punch and kick, and every trick both sides pull out of their pants feel like a game changer. It leaves you legit wondering which one is going to win, only for Batman to narrowly pull a victory at the last moment via a kryptonite arrow courtesy of Green Arrow.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?