10 Most Powerful Beings Thor Has Defeated

8. Hela - Thor #361 (1985)

Thor Galactus

Because Hela is powered by the dead, she fantasises about the Asgardians dying in a cataclysmic battle so she can obtain all of their souls. Due to Thor's might, she covets his essence more than anyone's.

Thor may be Asgard's champion, but his power pales compared to Hela. Not only does this Goddess of Death usually defeat the hammer-hurling Avenger with little effort ,but she has actually killed him in the past as well.

Even though Thor knows Hela dwarfs his power, he will never back down from a fight with her. When his friends' souls were trapped in Hel, he challenged The Mistress of Darkness to combat. If he won, his friends would return to the mortal realm. If he lost, he would pledge himself to Hela for all eternity.

Unsurprisingly, Hela maintained the upper hand for the majority of the flight and managed to slash Thor's face to pieces. When Thor pulled off her robe, he learned that it served as a conduit for her sorcery, meaning she was powerless without it. Unable to overpower Thor without her enchanted cloak, she admitted defeat and freed his friends.

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