10 Most Powerful Beings Thor Has Defeated

5. Gorr - Thor: God Of Thunder #11 (2013)

Thor Galactus
Marvel Comics

Centuries ago, an alien called Gorr lost his faith in the gods after his family were killed. After stumbling upon a god-slaying weapon called The Necrosword, Gorr vowed to wipe out every deity in existence for failing to save his family.

For over a thousand years, Gorr the God-Butcher travelled the cosmos, exterminating entire pantheons. Every time he executed a god, he absorbed their essence, magnifying his strength to an incalculable level. In fact, he's so powerful, Thor teamed up with two time-displaced versions of himself to fight Gorr... and he still lost! Three Thors couldn't beat this guy!

The superhero eventually learned that Gorr was building a Godbomb that, once detonated, would kill every god in the time stream. Since Thor knew he couldn't beat the God-Butcher in combat, he tried a different tactic. Because Thor is a god, he is powered by the beliefs of his followers.

As the gods throughout space and time empowered Thor with their prayers, he absorbed the Godbomb into himself before expunging it. He then used The Necrosword to decapitate Gorr, before having his remains hurled into the nearest black hole.

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