10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Batman

6. Most Of His Rogues Gallery - Batman: Crimson Mist

Batman Superman Injustice
DC Comics

The last entry on this list saw Batman become a vampire at the dying hands of Dracula in Red Rain. Its sequel, Batman: Bloodstorm, saw the now-undead Dark Knight attempt to suppress his vampiric instincts as he confronts what was left of Dracula's followers (now led by the Joker).

After Catwoman (the only person who could control Bruce) is murdered by the clown-themed criminal, Batman drains the Joker of his blood and begins a city-wide rampage that is further explored in the final part of the trilogy, Crimson Mist.

The book sees the former hero decimate many of his foes such as Scarecrow, Poison Ivy and the Penguin, before finally clashing with Two-Face and Killer Croc (who have allied themselves with Commissioner Gordon and Alfred).

During the clash with the vampiric Bat, the villains betray their situational allies and kill Alfred, before they are in turn killed by Bruce. Once the dust settles, Batman ends his life by walking into the sunlight, in the hopes that Gotham would be free from crime and other malevolent forces.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.