10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Batman

3. Superman - Batman/Superman: Annual #1

Batman Superman Injustice
DC Comics

The friendship and partnership between Batman and Superman has been an enduring part of DC mythos for the past seven decades, and just as seminal as their camaraderie is their rivalry. For years, fans have debated on who would come out on top if the two came to blows, and DC has answered this question several times, with each hero getting a win over the other.

One of the most recent instances where the two heroes locked horns was in 2020, when the mischievous (but still incredibly dangerous) Bat-Mite and Mister Mxyzptlk debated which one of their "champions" would win if they came to blows.

Bat-Mite's scenario (amusingly called Whatever Happened to The Man Who Destroyed Everything?) saw a desperate Batman vow to kill Superman after it is revealed that the latter is somehow collapsing the multiverse on itself.

Bruce's mission takes on a vengeful layer after Clark accidentally kills most heroes, the Bat Family included. After a prolonged bout, the Man of Steel takes his former ally into the sky to get him to stop his assault, but the Dark Knight employs his final tool: he uses an array of satellites to turn the sun red. This weakens the Kryptonian and the two Leaguers fall to their demise.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.