10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Batman

2. The Whole Justice League - Dark Knights: The Batman Who Laughs

Batman Superman Injustice
DC Comics

Most comic readers are well aware of Batman's most fabled ability, "prep time". Some fans of the character claim that he can defeat nearly any opponent as long as he has the time and resources to accomplish this feat. While the effectiveness of prep time is often debated, there is no denying that some stories (such as Tower of Babel) have used it to chilling effect.

The Dark Knights: The Batman Who Laughs storyline explored the logical extreme of Bruce Wayne's strategic abilities as the villain that would come to be known as the Batman Who Laughs proceeded to kill off his allies, most notably the Justice League.

After murdering the Joker and becoming infected with his toxin, the former crimefighter wiped out the entire Bat-Family before turning his sights on the League.

A week later, the likes of Flash, Martian Manhunter, Plastic Man and Wonder Woman are all brutally murdered through various means before finishing Superman and his family off in gruesome fashion using a shard of Black Kryptonite.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.