10 Most Powerful Gods In DC Comics

1. The Presence

Trigon DC Comics
DC Comics

The God above all over Gods within the DC Universe. He is God.

An entity so powerful that holding the entire DC multiverse within his hands is not even the most impressive feat he's displayed. If he so wished he create as many as he desired.

As the creator of the entire DC Universe, his infinite power is absolute. You can't fight against all of reality itself. Every God, every 5th Dimensional being, every entity of note is merely an extension of his power.

You can tell where Lucifer gets his power from, yet even he is nothing compared to The Presence. Lucifer can still be killed, he has weaknesses, The Presence is everything that exists and nothing at the same time.

There is no greater force in the DCU, when even Spectre himself states that The Presence "contains and surpasses everyone and everything in creation" then his power truly is all that encompasses everything within creation itself.

Whether, it's as The Hand, The Voice or The Presence, his existence and its ripples have been felt throughout the multiverse since time immemorial (or his first appearance in 1940).

Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence. He has it all.

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