10 Most Powerful Gods In DC Comics

2. Lucifer Morningstar

Trigon DC Comics
DC Comics

Is there such a man as charming and insanely powerful as Lucifer? Definitely not.

With the ability to create sentient life, entire planets, ignite stars, manifest entities from the dream world into reality, give someone a heart attack from a different dimension & the ability to revive a demon from a fossilised state he deserves to be number 2.

While his temporal powers are a lot more restrictive than say Mister Mxyzptlk, he has no qualms about using both his dimensional warping powers and intelligence to their fullest.

It's evident he is a powerful God of creation & warps reality with ease, but that doesn't emphasise just how powerful he is. Lucifer by his own account created his own damn multiverse!

Creating his own multiverse is believable when considering he has had experience with shaping the universe out of the Big Bang itself that his brother Michael caused. As equals in power, why couldn't he both create and shape his own universe, or multiverse?

He is made mortal within other God's pantheons yes, yet even this weakness isn't enough to faze him. His cunning alone is enough to negate this issue, which is impressive in of itself.

Other Gods mean almost nothing to him.

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