10 Most Powerful Gods In DC Comics

7. Trigon

Trigon DC Comics
DC Comics

Conqueror of universes. Demon.

A demon so powerful that he is completely unfazed by the Phantom Stranger & the Voice of the Presence, a testament to the confidence Trigon has of his own abilities.

He even goes so far as to merge with the evil of nearly a hundred galaxies, which as a power up is both insane and hard to determine the impact & upper limits of it. Naturally, he conquers several universes afterwards.

Resurrection, the ability to open portals between universes and a statement by a narrator claiming that Trigon is "Pandimensional". He is most certainly not one to be trifled with.

For all these accomplishments, the evil God has still never shown the ability to destroy entire universes such as the Anti-Monitor has. Neither has he provided reality warping feats to the level of Spectre.

He's a conqueror, not a destroyer or creator, which makes him much less of a show off than the other Gods. Despite that, he is in another realm entirely to Old Gods and most incarnations of New Gods alike.

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