10 Most Powerful Gods In DC Comics

6. Spectre

Trigon DC Comics
DC Comics

Spectre is the Wrath of God. Formerly a demon in Lucifer's rebellion against The Presence.

A God so powerful that feats such as forming supernovas in his hand, destroying the Rock of Eternity, trapping Dr Fate inside his own mask & turning the Phantom Stranger into a mouse are easy work for him.

Spectre isn't just restricted to matter manipulation, no he can force people back in time to the damn Big Bang! There's not much most can do against a dirty tactic like that.

Indeed, his durability and personal strength is just as impressive, as demonstrated by his ability go toe to toe with some of the most powerful incarnations of Parallax and the Anti-Monitor.

Does one even need to mention his ability to break the Source Wall or expand his body to a size so large that his eyes are 23 light years apart? In terms of range of powers, he has almost no equal.

Given the kinds of things he can do, it's a blessing for the heroes of the DC Universe that the Spectre can only target those who have sinned and is on their side.

Whenever he shows up, you know something is going down.

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