10 Most Powerful Gods In DC Comics

5. Anti-Monitor

Trigon DC Comics
DC Comics

The villain behind the Infinite Crisis, an entity so powerful that he destroys multiple universes with little difficulty & defeats the Spectre in combat.

Invulnerable, reality warper, energy absorber, a power greater than that of Trigon, Metron or Highfather.

The Anti-Monitor is one of the most terrifying Gods within DC. He stalemates with the Monitor for one million years with only the power of the Anti-Matter universe while Monitor wielded the power of the entire multiverse.

If you thought that was all he can do, then you're sorely mistaken. The Anti-Monitor has time travelled to the beginning of time, destroyed an infinite number of universes & almost remade all of creation itself!

As a destructive force, the Anti-Monitor is without peer. Even after his death, his corpse was used to power the entire Black Lantern battery which was the basis of the Blackest Night.

If you're so powerful that even your corpse is used by other top tier Gods to enact their plans then you've definitely done something right.

Such a powerhouse is he that multiple iterations of the DC Multiverse's most powerful heroes are all needed to band together to even have a chance at defeating him, with the sacrifice of many in the process.

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