10 Most Powerful Gods In DC Comics

4. Nekron

Trigon DC Comics
DC Comics

The God of death itself.

The perpetrator behind the Blackest Night. All of the universe's greatest heroes combined with every single Lantern Corps were necessary to just barely scrape a victory over such a fearsome ruler of death.

With each soul that dies, his power increases. His power is therefore limitless, even if everyone dies, he then becomes the God of all.

His dimensional manipulation is so powerful that he can discard the Anti-Monitor of all beings into the Anti-Matter Universe with ease. Nekron sends him to a different universe entirely! His power is far greater than that of the (Post-Crisis) Anti-Monitor's to be able to do that.

Given that Nekron completely negates a beam shot at him by the Anti-Monitor with a yawn, it's evident that he finds the Anti-Monitor more of a nuisance than a real tangible threat to him.

With such power, even those two feats alone would be enough for him to be on this list. All roads lead to death and Nekron's embrace.

What more can be said about such a monster? The more beings that live, the more souls that will one day become his power. He is eternal, and he is inevitable.

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