10 Most Powerful Gods In DC Comics

3. Dream

Trigon DC Comics
DC Comics

God of dreams and illusions. Master of the Dreaming.

Completely immortal. As long as someone somewhere can dream, he will live, nothing can hurt him unless he allows it.

Teleportation, telekinesis, healing? That's all child's play to him.

With absolute control of, you guessed it, the world of dreams and illusions, Dream is an unstoppable force even amongst the New Gods. How can they expect to fight against sleep itself?

His power isn't just restricted to dreams however, as he can even control the fate of souls, sending people to hell, hell even reincarnation, he has power over it all.

Dream's presence within the DC universe is so significant that his suicide causes ripples and storms through all of reality!

With power like a force of nature itself, much like Nekron he is an opponent for which it is unfathomable to ever truly defeat. However, as a result of his responsibilities and an untold number of rules his actions are thankfully restricted.

Yet his power is unquestionable. Complete control the Dreaming grants him insane and unquestionable amounts of power. So unquestionable that even the Stars are fearful of him.

Dreams can very quickly become nightmares.

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