10 Most Powerful X-Men Of All Time

2. Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch
Marvel Comics

Now we're getting to the top of top, the cream of the crop, the mutants that are even more powerful than the mind-boggling bunch that have come before them, you know we're gonna start getting to some heavy hitters. Wanda Maximoff definitely counts as that, even if she cheated a little by stripping the majority of the world's mutants of their powers.

That wasn't strictly to get ahead in our list - it was insanity, or something, that inspired her to use her reality-manipulating powers like that - but it certainly helped. So Storm was worshipped like a goddess, right? And all she can do is make it drizzle a bit when you need it. Scarlet Witch has the literal power of a god. When she first started her abilities were limited to manipulating probability with "hexes", which had a short range and let her light flames, deflect attacks, make force fields, explode things. Still pretty impressive, but by no means Omega Level powerful.

As time went by, Wanda got stronger (read: writer Kurt Busiek was bored and screwed about with them) so that she had control over powerful Chaos Magic. What's Chaos Magic? We don't know, but it sounds cool. All you need to know is it made her able to change reality in lasting ways, like resurrecting Wonder Man (we're not sure why she bothered either). By the time of House Of M she had the ability to rewrite the entirety of reality, and she indulged that power. A lot.

It was later revealed that this sudden boost in her powers was thanks to some magical mumbo jumbo, but like Jean and the Phoenix, we reckon she had that in her all along.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/