10 Most Powerful X-Men Of All Time

6. Legion

x-men legion
Marvel Comics

The only thing that has kept David Charles Haller from tapping into his full range of mind-boggling powers is the fact that he suffers from multiple personality disorder, and each of his abilities his split between each of his distinct selves. What a rip! Especially considering he should, by all rights, be the preeminent mutant in the X-Men universe, what with being Professor Xavier's son and all.

And in fact Legion has been coming leaps and bounds in terms of dealing with his mental health problems and, so, his powers, in the X-Men: Legacy series, Prior to that though, David was something of a wild card. He threw off the whole Marvel timeline by travelling back to kill Magneto before he had a chance to do...well, all the bad stuff Magneto would later do. Unfortunately, Legion was stopped by Erik Lehnsherr's pal... Charles Xavier, who took the psionic bolt meant to kill the future villain. Once all that Age of Apocalypse dystopian alternate reality stuff got ironed out, though, David found himself back in the regular Marvel Universe, struggling to gain control over his mind and his abilities.

Apparently the multiple personalities thing is down to his ability to absorb people's minds, either by being next to them when they die or using his incredible telepathic powers. In fact Legion has taken in or otherwise created thousands of personalities, each with their own mutant abilities: super speed, flight, X-ray vision, heat absorption, super strength, matter animation and sonic screams to name just a few. David is like the greatest hits compilation of mutants, and if he could manage to stop playing them on shuffle, he would easily top this list.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/