7. Magnificent Kaaboom (Goal: $5,000/Pledged: $0 or $15)
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/magnificentkaaboom/the-magnificent-kaaboom-comic-book?ref=discovery Dean Gunnarson offered an overpriced comic book, but what about an overpriced comic book and DVD that also look terrible?
Magnificent Kaaboom!!! will mark the resurgence of the comic book. When the world has been shaven by a drunken barber, Magnificent Kaaboom!!! will grab planet earth by the throat, forcing it to heal, no longer aimlessly wondering like the last mosquito of fall attempting to flutter away and out run the season of winter. Akin to Dorothy walking through the threshold of gray into a universe of color, Magnificent Kaaboom!!! will power the elements of communication and entertainment to regain their attention spans. In a cereal bowl full of memories, Magnificent Kaaboom!!! will be the marsh mellows the best part.
It takes a special kind of persistence to post virtually the same Kickstarter
three times
in a
row, with no alterations except slightly reshuffled stretch goals and, at the end of the third try, a claim that simply buying the book will make you a part of history, effectively immortal. There's a little bit in there about the plot-- something about an accountant falling through his toilet to another dimension where he becomes a tentacle-legged great white hope-- but it's hard to retain it after seeing the end of the video, which shows you a dead, bloodied Road Runner before warning you that if you fail to read this book, you will get cancer and die. Cancer rates must have been surging that year. Zachary Whitmore finally
made his project without Kickstarter's help, and then...