10 Most Ridiculous Things Batman Has Survived

4. Reverse-Flash

Batman Odyssey
DC Comics

Part of the enduring appeal of Batman is that, unlike Superman, Wonder Woman, or even the Green Lantern, he is not superpowered. He is profoundly human, and his success is down to his tenacity, his intelligence and, let’s be honest, his wealth.

So when Bruce Wayne finds himself matched up against a superpowered foe, he is forced to employ every ounce of his savvy. Sometimes, however, knowing his limitations, all he can do is stall for time. And this is exactly what happened when Bats went toe-to-toe with the Reverse Flash in the pages of Batman #21.

As the Dark Knight attempts to stall Reverse-Flash while he awaits the return of The Flash to the Batcave, we get a second-by-second countdown as Batman is beaten to a pulp. His opponent, though, takes too long attempting to prolong Bruce’s agony, and inadvertently presses the Watchmen button in the Batcave, transporting him to the Watchmen universe where he is promptly dispatched by Dr. Manhattan.

Our hero is nevertheless hospitalised, having been completely at the mercy of Reverse-Flash, only spared by the yellow villain's proclivity for playing with his food.

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Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.