10 Most Ridiculous Things Batman Has Survived

2. Becoming Brain Dead

Batman Odyssey
DC Comics

Part of Bob Haney’s out-of-continuity The Brave and the Bold series comes the time Batman was electrocuted, declared braindead, and then had his body occupied by The Atom in order to fulfil Bats final mission.

Atom shrinks himself down and runs around inside Batman’s brain, controlling him from the inside. Said running around in the Caped Crusader's grey matter was apparently just what the doctor ordered, as it, somehow, reactivated his brain, causing Batman to return again fully back to his old self in short order.

Yep, you read that one right. It was a different time, when crazy one-shot issues and ideas like this were far more common. Grant Morrison suddenly makes a lot more sense when you realise the absolute unmitigated madness of his forefathers, particularly in the Silver Age of comics.

Ultimately, nothing in Haney’s work ever had any impact on continuity even if it was supposed to, so this was effectively just another day in the office for Batman, who moved on with his life as you do when you’re electrocuted into a braindead state and have said brain occupied my your friend to fight crime. Just another Tuesday.

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Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.