10 Most Ridiculous Things Wolverine Survived

4. He Was Nuked

Hugh Jackman Wolverine

If you thought Wolverine's suffering started with Weapon X, think again. While he was trying to relax in Nagasaki in 1945, the city was destroyed by an atomic bomb.

You know what's craziest part? That's not the only time Wolverine has been hit by a nuke. The second bomb was way worse because it actually landed on him! The attack was performed by silicon-based alien spider android called Suit, who tried to use a clone of the Venom symbiote to exterminate all life on Earth.

When Wolverine began interfering with Suit's plan, he had to make sure there was no evidence tying him to the Venom clone and so, the alien obliterated the entire town of Voici, where Wolverine was residing.

All Wolverine could say when he realised he was about to be hit at point-blank range with a nuclear bomb was, "This just ain't my day."

Despite the fact the impact left him in a crater, he was back on his feet within a matter of minutes. In typical bad-ass fashion, Wolverine got to his feet and cried out, "You better have a bigger bomb!"


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