10 Most Ridiculously Overpowered Superheroes In The DC Universe

4. Any Green Lantern

Speaking of people who are nearly gods, that's essentially what the Green Lanterns are. They're given the mission of policing the galaxy, but the weapons they're given to do so are so horrendously overpowered it's like giving a regular beat cop a set of surface-to-air missiles to deal with parking tickets. The Green Lantern rings give their wearers the ability to create anything they can imagine. Seriously, the sky's the limit; so long as a GL can picture it, they can create it with their ring. So long as they don't mind everything being green. That essentially does make them gods, since they're able to create something out of nothing, and they can create literally anything. Besides allowing them to build constructs of solid energy, the power ring affords all Green Lanterns a force-field, flight, the ability to speak any language, to shoot powerful radioactive laser beams, and gives them a pretty snazzy uniform. It stands to reason that it's considered "the most powerful weapon in the universe" of DC Comics. Plus the only limitations are that the rings need to be recharged but, thankfully, they last a heck of a lot longer than an iPhone, and you don't have to shell out for an expensive and official cable in order to do so; they just stick it in a lantern for a bit and then it's good to go. Also there's that weakness against the colour yellow, but that's stupid and we don't talk about it, and it doesn't stop them from having the god-like ability to make absolutely anything. We can't stress enough how insane that is.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/