10 Most Shocking Female Comic Costumes Of All Time

10. The Wonder Woman Thong Costume

As one of the earliest feminist icons in comics, Wonder Woman has had a long-standing, devoted female readership. She has always embodied female strength and heroism. However during the '90s DC decided to try and change their main female character a sex icon. While this is by far one of the more tame costumes on this list, shocking compared to her previous costumes, all of which were relatively modest, this is pretty shocking. Artist Mike Deodato Jr was responsible for the Wonder Woman thong era. Deodato wasn€™t coy about his reasons for the redesign. In one interview, he stated:
€œI got to do Wonder Woman . In three months, the sales doubled and tripled or something like that. Because they gave me freedom to do whatever I want. It was not said, but I kept doing things, and I kept making her more ... um ... hot? Wearing thongs€ Every time the bikini was, the sales get higher.€
Deodato€™s run on the character became known as the €œporn Wonder Woman.€ So there ya have it folks: sexism pays. Despite the many obvious reasons this costume is inappropriate, the question remains: why would an Amazonian warrior run around fighting evil in her underwear?
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Since childhood, Bryant has been an avid fan of superheroes, and he has been reading comic books since 2006. His full name is "George Bryant Lucas"; however, after enduring countless Darth Vader jokes, he has chosen to go by his middle name. Born and raised in the United States, Bryant is currently living with his lovely wife in the country side of Wiltshire County, UK. Bryant does suffer from a mild case of dyslexia; misspellings and homonyms are to be expected on occasion.