10 Most Twisted Comic Book Heroes

6. Deadpool

Midnighter Bloody
Marvel Comics

Deadpool wasn't always the chatty, fourth-wall breaking goofball we know today.

When he was first created back in the nineties, Deadpool was actually portrayed more as a villain, often wreaking more mayhem than he did as a hero. However, even as a hero, he's not always really there, mentally.

He constantly talks to the voices inside his head, who either tell him that he's doing great, should be doing better or should just go off the rails. He somehow always seems to manage to find the comedy in every kill he commits, whether that's turning them into Pez dispenser with his katana or smashing their brains with a comically large hammer.

Deadpool can show little care for other people's lives, going as far as shooting someone in the head for praising the Star Wars prequel movies. Probably the most upsetting aspect about Deadpool is his relationship with Blind Al. Portrayed as the merc's roommate in the movie; in the comics, she's his prisoner.

He would constantly abuse her if she ever tried to escape, never letting her outside. If anyone would try to aid her escape, he would kill them. Let's just be grateful for the fun insane Deadpool we have now, and not the past psychotic who literally tortured innocent victims.


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.