10 Most Violent Comic Book Heroes Ever

6. Red Hulk - Marvel

Midnighter DC
Marvel Comics

Whilst the original green Hulk that we all know and love might be a victim of uncontrollable rage and is something of a loner, his red counterpart exists almost as the complete opposite. General Thaddeus Ross is shown to be a far more aggressive person than Bruce Banner and seems to revel in his ability to ramp up the violence when his muscles sprout and his shirt rips. In fact, it is revealed that Red Hulk doesn't even lose his mental control when he transforms, he just embraces the power as and when it happens.

Red Hulk has nevertheless had some true moments of heroism, particularly after being recruited by Steve Rogers into the Avengers.

Undoubtedly a good guy to have when the fighting is at its thickest, Red Hulk plays a vital role in the defence of Avengers Tower against the Thing during the Infinity Gem crisis, and even finds himself paired up with a human ally, Annie.

Nevertheless, he still finds himself running away with his anger on more than one occasion, often engaging in some pretty brutal fights against Hulk, and has been seen flexing his strength by destroying entire S.H.I.E.L.D squadrons and vehicles at a time.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.