10 Most Violent Comic Book Heroes Ever

5. Lobo - DC Comics

Midnighter DC
DC Comics

DC comics' answer to Marvel's Wolverine, even being parodied as 'Dirty Wolf' in a special Deadpool issue, there's already an expectancy on Lobo to deliver some insane levels of gore and violence whenever he's introduced on the pages.

Introduced initially as a hardened criminal in the 1980s, Lobo found his way into the hearts of comic book fans during the heyday of the gritty and grimy run of superheroes in the following decade. His charismatic and self-confident persona made him an instant standout to readers and he was even listed as being the legendary Stan Lee's favourite DC character.

However, beneath the exterior of charisma and charm remains a seriously brutal individual. Lobo is the last remaining Czarnian having let loose an armada of flying scorpions on his homeland just for the fun of it. Delighting in the sick and twisted, Lobo's occupation as a galatic bounty-hunter makes for a perfect role, giving him the freedom to take down some seriously creepy dudes by whatever means he fancies.

There's also the fun fact of when Lobo died, it turned out that not even hell could stand the Czarnian, meaning that humanity gets to enjoy him and all of his bloodiness for the foreseeable future.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.