10 Most Violent Comic Book Heroes Ever

4. Venom - Marvel

Midnighter DC
Marvel Comics

Though his introduction in Amazing Spider-Man #300 and Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3 would have their audiences believe that Venom is a disgustingly evil arch-enemy of our favourite web-crawler, Venom's more evil tendencies tend to come from a crazed natural instinct, rather than any malicious intent.

The symbiote's brutality and total lack of empathy does rear show up enough times to remind readers about the power it wields though. Venom not only devoured Flag Smasher's arm and sent Angelo Fortunato falling to his death, but it has a well known habit of ripping off its prey's heads and eating their brains. In fact, one of its earliest and most iconic panels features it killing Frankie and showing readers the gory shot of his brain being chomped down on.

Nevertheless, it's revealed that the symbiote's species are actually protectors throughout space and are only manipulated when attached to a host. Eddie Brock made a point of breaking that trend plenty of times during his run with Venom, using the symbiote's power to protect the innocent in society, thereby putting a little more hero into the character's anti-hero tag.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.