10 Must-Read Comic Book Christmas Specials

8. Luke Cage's Busy Holiday - Jingle Bombs

All Luke Cage wanted was a quiet Christmas with his missus, how did it end up that with him having to save his city from nuclear annihilation? Steve Englehart€™s Luke Cage: Hero for Hire #7, aka Jingle Bombs is a delightful bit of festive insanity that sees Cage fighting with a crazy person who makes the exceptionally brave decision to fight an indestructible man while dressed sequentially as someone from the past, the present and then surprisingly enough, the future.

Apparently comic book writers only know one Christmas story. While, as all of Luke Cage€™s stories tend to, acting as a framing device for amazing dialogue such as, €œThat€™s the fare fancy dancer,€ and €œCat€™s like bad peanut brittle, all nuts,€ Jingle Bombs also teaches a heart-warming holiday lesson about€ wait - no - it actually doesn't. After testing Cage three times, the villain decides to blow up Manhattan anyway.

The only reason Luke is able to save the day is because this costumed loon who inexplicably has access to a nuclear warhead gets distracted by a burglar falling down the chimney. Despite its lack of moral message, there€™s plenty of festive fun in this holiday special for anyone not looking for a coherent story, it's certainly worthy of Cage's catchphrase: €˜Sweet Christmas!€™


A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson