10 Non-Superhero Comics You Didn't Know Were Becoming Films And TV Shows

8. Resident Alien

Black Magick
Dark Horse Comics/Steve Parkhouse

Created by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse, Resident Alien, similar to Port of Earth, follows unwelcome aliens coming to Earth and mingling with humanity, but it takes a much more eclectic and interesting tone with the main alien in question building a life on Earth, becoming a doctor, and solving murders and other mysteries while waiting to be rescued - even as mysterious, government-sanctioned men in black hunt him down.

The tone of Resident Alien feels less self-serious and more grounded and even pleasant, despite the murder and the mystery-solving. with Hah Re, aka Harry Vanderspeigle, being a likeable and personable protagonist. He chooses to settle in a small town as a doctor, and his personal interest in mystery stories as well as his observational skills and alien abilities compel him to try and solve the town's sudden murders.

The tone is somewhat reminiscent of shows like Pushing Daisies - pleasant despite the presence of mysteries and death. It'd make for fun, fantastical viewing, with Syfy picking it up for a series and Alan Tudyk, Alice Wetterlund, Elvy Yost, and Corey Reynolds already cast in major roles.

Two alien sci-fi shows so vastly different to look forward to, already!


Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com