10 Obscure Marvel And DC Villains You Won’t Believe Exist
2. Armless Tiger Man
There’s something wonderful about having a villain where you get to know everything about them from their name – like, for a totally random example, Armless Tiger Man.
There are a series of ways this name could have come about, but the blessing is that precisely all of them are hilarious. Had a writer had enough of naming characters? Was it a placeholder for a legit name that didn’t get changed? We may never know, but there’s one thing that’s for certain – whatever the reason, it’s a truly beautiful decision.
In all fairness, a man who can not only carry out his regular day to day life but also fight heroes with only his teeth and fight is arguably more hero than villain himself. Aside from becoming a Nazi... and that whole “eating human flesh thing”.
In retrospect, maybe there are better role models.