10 Pettiest Things The Punisher Has Killed People Over

6. Trying To Help During Civil War

Punisher Murder Thumbnail
Marvel Comics

During the infamous Civil War storyline, both sides accepted small time villains into their ranks. Everyone accepted that they needed numbers on their side and if former foes want to join forces, who are they to turn down the extra help. Except, not everyone had quite the same mentality on that idea.

Tony had already unleashed the Thor clone which killed Goliath when he recruited The Thunderbolts to his team. This left Cap's side woefully outnumbered and in need of help. When Punisher comes in with a battered and bruised Spider-Man, he informs the team that Stark had brought in the villainous squad.

During the next meeting at Cap's HQ, they offer Spidey the chance to sit the next fight out. In true Parker style, the webslinger declines, stating "I think you're gonna need every extra pair of hands".

We are then introduced to former Maggia goon, Goldbug and his partner, Plunderer. They claim the criminal underground is equally as concerned by Stark's plans and offer their hand in battle.

All they wanted to do was help the cause, but The Punisher is far too petty to allow to let that happen, and shoots them both dead on the spot.


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