Then there's the students who study under Xavier, and more often than not come to blows with Magneto. Or else wind up teaming with him. In fact recently Cyclops and Magneto have become pretty fast friends, after Scott Summers went a bit weird and killed his slap-headed mentor. Not a moment too soon, really. Still, most of the world didn't see it that way, and Cyclops wound up going on the run with a splinter faction of the X-Men who are a little more militant than the rest. That put him up against Wolverine once again, with the pair being constantly combative since the latter's introduction, usually owing to Cyke's straight-laced nature against Logan's feral background. It's a dynamic that positioned Cyclops as the boring, by-the-book leader and Wolverine as the fun rebel. Except that's totally wrong, since that characterisation has had Logan stuck in the same old rut the entirety of his existence, while as Scott has genuinely grown, suffered conflict and generally been way more interesting.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at