10 Raunchy Comic Book Scenes Nobody Wants To See On Film

10. Anything Involving Starfox

Starfox is an absolute lech: there really is nothing nice to be said about him when it comes to his behaviour towards females - and nobody wants to see that in a movie. The problem is, he's Thanos' brother, and with Thanos now being a key character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there's every chance that he could end up appearing in the franchise in some capacity, which would be awful. In the comic books, one of Starfox's powers - in addition to the more typical powers he possesses, like being superhumanly strong and being able to fly - is the ability to manipulate the emotions of others, which includes being able to stimulate the pleasure centres of the brain. It's a power that could be used in so many positive ways, or in ways that would help to defeat enemies, but he uses it to essentially rape the minds of women. While he was found not guilty of actually committing physical rape on one particular occasion, some of the ways in which he has used his powers go way beyond creepy.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.