10 Reasons Why Damian: Son Of Batman Was An Absolute Mess

9. Damian's Appearance #2: The New Batman Outfit

Batmanoutfit With both Dick and Bruce out of the picture, Damian decides that he's going to be Batman. He looks at the glass case with the Batman outfit €“ and then chooses to wear a different one. This ties in to the point about Damian not asserting his own personality enough when accepting to wear the Robin outfit because he is doing just that with the new Batman duds. But why? Dick didn't change the Batman suit because it's perfectly designed for all situations AND it looks awesome and scary, which is part of its purpose. Why does Damian mess with the formula and come up with a high collar? The reasons behind the design choices for the new costume should've been explored in this mini-series but aren't. He's simply wearing it because that's what he wore in Batman #666 and Batman Incorporated #7. One minute he's Robin and the next he's Batman with a new look, fully formed. Has he had the costume ready beforehand? So was he planning on replacing Dick as the Batman of Gotham City or work alongside him? How was he able to put together such a professional-looking and practical costume almost instantly? When did he make the costume and why the changes? Yet another plot contrivance - he just does, ok? Very disappointing.
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