10 Reasons Why Damian: Son Of Batman Was An Absolute Mess

8. Damian's Appearance #3: Boy To Man Instantly

Boytoman Though he's a young man, Damian still looks childlike in stature, at least in the first issue and he's noticeably shorter than Dick. By the second issue, Kubert's made him more muscly, (maybe Damian's been on the 'roids since Dick died?) perhaps realising Damian's Batman is taller and stronger than Damian's Robin and he's got to make up the difference somehow. It's not convincing. Look at the way he's drawn in the first issue and then in the second. Damian goes from a lean young man as Robin to a taller, beefier, more grown-up looking man in his thirties when he puts on his Batman outfit. Is that what the Batman suit does €“ makes whoever puts it on instantly look like THE alpha male, like Shazam/Billy Batson? It's incompetent work from Kubert, made all the more damning when you realise this is a 4-issue mini-series where he couldn't even be consistent for that long.
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