10 Reasons Why Damian: Son Of Batman Was An Absolute Mess

6. Everyone's Out Of Character #2: Damian

Damiancharacter Right away from the first page I could tell things were wrong: Damian recoils in fear at the sight of a pile of dead bodies and fish in Gotham Harbour €“ why? Damian has been written since the beginning as a cold-blooded killer who isn't fazed by anything. He's been trained by the League of Shadows since birth to become the perfect assassin. He has no problem with death, both seeing it and dishing it out, because he's been around it for his entire ife, so why would he be shocked at the sight of some dead nobodies and a pile of fish? He wouldn't. It's just bad characterisation from Andy Kubert. Everything about Damian is a bit off in this story. He's supposed to be a tactical genius but he loses at chess; he's an amazing fighter but keeps getting beat up by ordinary henchmen; he's unsure of himself constantly despite years of being written as an arrogant know-it-all; he's always believed he was destined to be Batman but he doesn't want it when the position's available; he's suddenly Catholic because he goes to confession throughout this book; he has to re-learn not to kill as Batman, even though that's a lesson he's already learned €“ it's clear Kubert simply doesn't understand the character and should've had a writer who does to write the script for him.
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