10 Reasons Why Damian: Son Of Batman Was An Absolute Mess

4. Joker's Wild!

Jokerswild The Joker is the best Batman villain so having him in the story should instantly make it better. I think that's what Kubert was thinking and decided to go even further: "Hey, if 1 Joker is exciting, how about 2 Jokers? Or 3!?!" (starts frothing at the mouth). Yeah, there are 3 Jokers in this story. The first Joker we see is some short, fat nurse man/woman talking in an abhorrent facsimile of a Southern accent, cooing over Bruce who's unattended (for some reason) and on life support (but still semi-conscious and, if you buy my priest theory, then it's unclear why he's not doing anything about the Joker hovering over him). It's a painfully written scene that has no relevance to the story and we never see this Joker again. The second Joker is another fake who's replaced the real Joker because the real one's disappeared for some reason (we never find out why) and he wants to make a name for himself by being the Joker who kills all the Batmen. He's done in Dick (presumably because he's a Joker and Dick was killed by a Jokerfish, though he never admits to the murder), and now he wants Bruce and Damian's scalps too. Not because Bruce was Batman but because Bruce Wayne is Bruce Wayne. Apparently in this story Joker is like Batman €“ a title. And the third Joker is the real Joker who shows up, shooting the second fake Joker, appearing from wherever he's been, but not going after Bruce and Damian after they've defeated the second fake Joker, despite them being vulnerable to an attack. And he hasn't aged either but Bruce is an old man. Why did we need 3 Jokers in this 4-issue story? We didn't. 1 would've been fine but Kubert bungled it by throwing in 2 insipid, useless clones, completely losing control of the story in the process.
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