10 Reasons Ultimate Spider-Man Is The GREATEST Spider-Man Run Ever
2. Some Of The Best Spider-Man Arcs, Period

Spider-Man has quite the turbulent history. While The Amazing Spider-Man series is home to many of the greatest Spider-Man stories, characters and imagery, there have also been many missteps made over its almost sixty year run - The Clone Saga and One More Day just to name a few.
Ultimate Spider-Man had the benefit of hindsight and could pick and choose which storylines it wanted to adapt and remix, and Bendis didn't let the opportunity go to waste.
For example, Bendis chose to keep Uncle Ben around for four issues before killing him off, allowing for readers to better understand the relationship between him and Peter. It really benefited the story and Spider-Man's entire origin is spread across seven fantastic issues. This first arc also plants the seeds for future arcs with other characters, such as Doctor Octopus.
Other brilliant story arcs include Double Trouble (#14-#21), Venom (#33-#39), The Talk (#111) and The Death of Spider-Man (#156-#160). These stories put Spider-Man in really gripping scenarios and know exactly how to balance both Spider-Man and Peter.
Bendis also did the unthinkable and took one of the most infamous Spider-Man stories, The Clone Saga, and actually chose to adapt it to fit in with his story. The Ultimate version of The Clone Saga takes place across issues #97-#105 and retells the story in a much better way which serves the larger narrative.
It just proved that Bendis had the utmost respect for the source material and knew how to handle Spider-Man in every way.