10 Reasons Why Kang Dynasty Is The Best Avengers Story Ever Written

7. It Tidies Up Awkward Plot Threads

Avengers Kang Dynasty Cover
Marvel Comics

The Avengers is nearly sixty years old and in that time a lot of things have changed. Not just within Marvel's fictional universe but in the real world as well. Things that were once acceptable are now looked back on with shame and, in some cases, anger.

As time moves on, so too does Marvel's audience. Collectively, readers have come to expect more complex storytelling and character development.

Carol Danvers being raped by Kang's son Marcus before giving birth to a clone of his father is a strange plot thread from the early eighties that most writers would avoid. It is one that the Marvel comics of today would rather readers forgot. But when Carol Danvers and Marcus are two of the most heavily featured characters in a story it becomes nearly impossible to ignore.

The answer was to tackle it head-on, taking a more realistic approach to the trauma and the effect such an event would have on a human being. It shows that Marvel and its writers may be able to forget what had happed, but Carol could not.

Kurt Busiek's handling of the situation may not have been perfect, but it was a genuine attempt at more grown-up storytelling in a time when most people either couldn't or wouldn't.


Kevin McHugh is a code-monkey by day and a purveyor of the unpleasant by night. Having had several comics published by Future Quake Press he is now moving into prose. An avid fan of punk rock, cheap horror movies and even cheaper fast-food Kevin can be found pontificating either on Twitter or over at WhatCulture Comics where he is a regular contributor. He lives in Edinburgh with his wife and two daughters.