10 Reasons Why X-Men Are Actually Better Than The Avengers

4. The Costumes Are Just Way Better

Wolverine X-Men Cyclops Emma Frost
Marvel Comics

And thus we come to the aesthetics. It's another case of the Avengers being able to boast a beautiful wardrobe time and again, but when all is said and done, no team can top the array of outfits the X-Men have to their name.

The team's heroes have been re-tooled, redesigned and revamped pretty much every decade since they first appeared. More than any other super-team, the X-Men have constantly been on the receiving end of some genuinely brilliant costumes, with Wolverine in particular leading the way on more than one occasion.

Over the years, fans have seen the X-Men adopt varied and specific costumes, matching uniforms, black jackets and even colour coordinated suits to designate which team they're on. However, finding what makes them stand head and shoulders above the competition can probably be traced back to Jim Lee's arrival to the team in 1991, where he redesigned each character's costumes.

Lee's outfits would come to inspire the kind seen in the beloved nineties animated TV show, while later artists have found themselves working from his blueprint in creating new designs.

In short, you won't find a more stylish super-team in Marvel's library.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.